Introduction to Recommended Uniform Screening Panel: RUSP
Numerous inherited disorders are tested for in newborns in all 50 United States as a means to identify afflicted newborns and to allow for early intervention. Not all states test for the same disorders as some screen for disorders not included in the recommended panel but the following Table is a list of disorders that the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommends for states to screen as part of their state universal newborn screening (NBS) programs.
Disorders on the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP) were chosen based on evidence that supports the potential net benefit of screening, the ability of states to screen for the disorder, and the availability of effective treatments. It is recommended by the HHS that every newborn be screened for all disorders on the RUSP.
Conditions listed on the following Table represent the Core Conditions recommended for newborn screening. All conditions that are linked will take you to a specific page detailing the disorder or to a location in a page where the disorder is discussed.
In addition to the Core Conditions listed in the following Table, the HHS lists Secondary Conditions in its RUSP. These conditions are included in the Table of Secondary Conditions.